Stem Club Terms and Conditions


Terms and Conditions for Stem Club Enrolment




  • MakeRoom and Stem Club are owned and operated by Nigel Scott and he will exercise the rights and obligations of MakeRoom and Stem Club generally and as described in these Terms and Conditions.


  • References to ‘caregiver’ includes the parent/guardian of a child where the parent/guardian attends a session or sessions of Stem Club but also includes any other person nominated by a parent/guardian to attend a session or sessions and accepted (in advance) by MakeRoom.


  • References to ‘you’ and ‘your’ are references to the parent/guardian who has enrolled a child or children at Stem Club.





  • By enrolling your child in Stem Club you accept these Terms and Conditions and you confirm that you are the legal parent or guardian of the child you are enrolling in Stem Club.




  • Fees for each term are to be paid in full by you within one week of the first session (unless otherwise arranged).




  • No refunds will be given for missed sessions except for those covered by the  "SESSION CANCELLATION OR RESCHEDULING" section below.




  • It is important that the contact details we have for you and your child are up to date as we rely on these to communicate with you. Our principal method of communication is through phone or e-mail.


  • If your child is going to be late or is unable to attend a session we request that you let us know via e-mail or phone prior to the session.




  • E-mail addresses provided during enrolment will be added to an online e-mail management system ( E-mails from this system will come with an ‘unsubscribe’ option at the foot of each e-mail.




  • If a single Stem Club session needs to be cancelled due to tutor illness or other unforeseen circumstance, there will be an attempt made to reschedule the missed session. If this is not possible those affected by the cancellation will be refunded the cost of the missed session.


  • If for any reason all the remaining Stem Club sessions for a particular term need to be cancelled, full refunds will be given for those remaining sessions to those affected by the cancellation.


  • Any changes to the schedule for Stem Club will be communicated via phone or e-mail using the contact details held on record.




  • We cannot administer medication to your child. This includes over the counter pain relief like Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. If your child has a pre-existing medical condition please provide details at enrolment and ensure their needs are met prior to each session. If a child administers their own medication we cannot be held responsible for any condition or illness that results.


  • We make every effort to provide a safe work environment for all our Stem Club participants. PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) will always be available to those attending and guidelines put in place to ensure the safe and correct use of all equipment and facilities. A first aid kit is also permanently on site. MakeRoom cannot be held responsible for injury or accident arising from attendance at Stem Club sessions or activities. Attendance is at the sole risk of the parent or guardian enrolling the child.


  • As part of MakeRoom’s commitment to ensuring the safety of our Stem Club students and caregivers MakeRoom will ensure that at least one MakeRoom employee present at each session will have a current First Aid certificate from a recognised training facility. In the event of a medical emergency this staff member will attempt to contact a parent/guardian but is also authorised to perform any First Aid and/or call an Ambulance.




  • MakeRoom cannot be held responsible for any damage, theft or loss of personal property during the attendance of Stem Club sessions.




  • Children and caregivers attending Stem Club are expected to behave in a way that respects Stem Club values. These include:
  • Acting responsibly with the equipment and facilities.
  • Respecting the rights and requests of other students, caregivers and MakeRoom employees.
  • Behaving calmly, fairly and honestly during sessions.
  • If a child or caregiver is acting in a manner that is outside of these values they may be asked to remove themselves and sit out for the remainder of the session. Parents/Guardians of children may be notified in this instance.


  • If a child or caregiver wilfully damages MakeRoom property they and/or their parent/guardian will be liable for the cost of repair, replacement or any associated insurance excess.


  • Unless arranged prior to the session no Stem Club student will be allowed to leave during or after a session without a recognised caregiver or MakeRoom employee accompanying them.


  • If a child is travelling to a Stem Club session alone MakeRoom cannot be held responsible for ensuring that child arrives or attends the session.




  • MakeRoom will never share or sell your personal details to a third party without your permission, unless required to by law.


  • Parents/Guardians do have the right to access the details held on file at MakeRoom regarding themselves and/or their child. This is in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.




  • MakeRoom reserves the right to cancel any child’s enrolment in the Stem Club programme at any time.


  • Reasons for cancellation may include:
  • Term Fees not being paid.
  • The child or parent/caregiver behaving in a way that is contrary to the values of MakeRoom or otherwise puts at risk the health and safety of any other person attending MakeRoom and Stem Club activities..
  • If a child’s enrolment is cancelled any remaining term fees from sessions after the cancelation date will be refunded.


  • Cancellation will be communicated either by phone or e-mail using the contact details on record.





  • MakeRoom reserves the right to amend, vary or revoke these terms and Conditions at any time. Where changes to these terms and Conditions are made MakeRoom will use best endeavours to communicate any such changes to parents/ guardians of children enrolled at Stem Club.





  • To the extent permitted by law MakeRoom will not be liable to you or any other person for any loss (financial or otherwise) incurred as a result (directly or otherwise) of you enrolling a child or children in Stem Club and where the law does not allow exclusion of liability MakeRoom’s liability will be limited to fees paid for the term in which the event that gives rise to the liability occurs.