Adult Classes
MakeRoom Adult Classes
Our aim with these adult classes is to create an informal friendly space where people can enjoy learning new skills (or refreshing old ones) in a relaxed fun way.
Where Do I Book?
We use "EnrolMy" to manage our Adult Class bookings. Secure your spot using the links at the very bottom of this page.
Do You Have A Gift Card?
If you have a gift card and would like to redeem it for an upcoming Adult Class please e-mail us at with your gift card number and the details of the programme you would like to book.
We offer our Adult Classes from several locations around the Wellington region. See our Locations Page to learn more.
Term One 2025
Introduction To Laser Cutting $55 - 1 Week Starts: Wednesday 19th February (7pm-9pm) |
Introduction To Welding $355 - 4 Weeks (9hrs Total)
Starts: Option A: Wednesday 22nd Jan [SOLD OUT] Option B: Thursday 23rd Jan [SOLD OUT] Option C: Wednesday 26th Feb Option D: Thursday 27th Feb Option E: Wednesday 2nd April [BOOK NOW] |
KILBIRNIE - Evans Bay Intermediate
Introduction To Soldering $55 - 1 Week Starts: Monday 3rd February (7.30pm-9.30pm) |
Hexagonal LED Pods $125 - 3 Weeks Starts: Monday 10th February (7.30pm-9.30pm) |
LED Neon Sign $190 - 4 Weeks Starts: Monday 3rd March (7.30pm-9.30pm)
Make Your Own Ukulele $360 - 9 Weeks Starts: Tuesday 4th February (7pm-9pm)
Introduction To Arduino Programming $350 - 9 Weeks Starts: Thursday 13th February (7pm-9pm)
NEWLANDS - Newlands Intermediate
Introduction To Soldering $55 - 1 Week Starts: Monday 3rd February (7pm-9pm) |
LED Neon Sign $190 - 4 Weeks Starts: Monday 10th February (7pm-9pm)