Adult Classes - Maker/Tool Box


ADULT CLASS - Maker/Toolbox


  • LEVEL: BEGINNER (no prior experience required)
  • DURATION: 4 x 2hr Evening Sessions (7-9pm) across 4 weeks
  • COST: $180 (Covers all 4 weeks)
Looking for an awesome place to store your making supplies and tools? Come build our funky Maker Box (some people might even call it a tool box). Inspired by the vintage craft boxes from last century. The base is 12mm ply with the top and handle made of Lasercut MDF.


No experience is required. Everyone will get to hammer and glue all the pieces together, sand, and varnish as well as using the laser cutter to etch a design onto the top of the box and cut a stencil to spray paint onto the side.


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