Adult Classes - Make Your Own Ukulele


ADULT CLASS - Make Your Own Ukulele


  • LEVEL: BEGINNER (no previous woodworking experience required)
  • DURATION: 9 x 2hr Evening Sessions (7-9pm) across 9 weeks
  • COST: $360 (covers the entire course and all materials)
Design and build your own unique ukulele that sounds and looks as good as any quality factory made instrument.


We have developed a simplified design that is made using a combination of high tech digital fabrication and traditional woodworking skills. It can be made by anyone 16+ years old, and no previous woodworking experience is necessary. All materials and hardware will be provided.


The course instructor is Brian Nelson.  Brian teaches Graphics and Technology at Scots College. He has been a rock and jazz musician for over 30 years, and has been making his own instruments for the last 10 years – everything from ukuleles to a double bass.


Brian firmly believes that there are no mysteries or black arts involved in instrument making – anyone can do it!


Course Dates:


Week 1: Tuesday 4th Feb (7pm-9pm)
Week 2: Tuesday 11th Feb (7pm-9pm)
Week 3: Tuesday 18th Feb (7pm-9pm)
Week 4: Tuesday 25th Feb (7pm-9pm)
Week 5: Tuesday 4th March (7pm-9pm)
Week 6: Tuesday 11th March (7pm-9pm)
Week 7: Tuesday 18th March (7pm-9pm)
Week 8: Tuesday 25th March (7pm-9pm)
Week 9: Tuesday 1st April (7pm-9pm)



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