Welcome to the MakeRoom Website and Blog!

Wow, we got here!  The MakeRoom website is finally up and running and we're very excited to be sharing it with the world.

What can you expect from this blog?  Well, we're going to use this space to keep people up to date with what's going on at MakeRoom.  To begin with this will revolve mostly around Stem Club and the awesome work we know the kids are going to be doing this year.  I'm hoping we'll be able to persuade some of them to contribute themselves, so we can all hear about their experiences first hand.

Although this will be the second year we've run the sessions it will be the first time we're open to the public.  Please help us spread the word - we have spots to fill and everything kicks off on Saturday the 3rd of February.  We're busy preparing material for the terms sessions and making some excellent changes to the Studio and Workshop.  I think if the weather stays like it is today we'll be trying to find lots of opportunities to work outside.

I hope everyone has had a great Xmas break and are enjoying the New Year.  2018 is going to be great!  

Hope to see you all soon.

