2020 - Term One - Egg Drop Challenge

Words and photos by Lily Peart of "The Big Oooff"



These are some the resources that we used to make our egg drop contraptions. About half of the group thought it would be a good idea to draw a plan of their design. We did it in our notebooks, then we got to work…





The plastic wrap stops the egg from splatting everywhere if the contraption doesn’t work.



This is the start of one project. The note book beside him has the drawing plan for his egg contraption.




This is the same contraption finished. Do you think it will work? 




On this contraption the balloons act like landing gear. I think it might work. 

Do you think that the paddle pop sticks are just for decoration or are for something else? 




How the mechanism that drops the eggs works:

The blue string lifts the contraption 5 meters high in the air.

The white string releases the egg in it’s contraption.





Do you think this contraptions parachute bag will work?




This one was originally a cube but the rubber bands got too tense and it imploded just before launch! 

We dropped it just like this: already busted.

Do you think that the sticks will still take the force for the egg?




you can have a go if you want to at home and see what you can make!



I took my egg home.

The sweet taste of victory!!!