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2018 - Term Three - Week Two - Sewing, Concrete and MakerFaire Wellington!

Hi everybody!


Term 3 is in full swing, check out what our awesome kids have been up to…





Our Tuesday and Thursday groups got stuck into their first bit of sewing this week.  This saw them starting a  project that has a few components.  The ultimate aim is to have everyone going home with a newly constructed denim bag.  On one side of the bag each maker can sew their own patterns using the different colours of thread we set up on the sewing machines.  On the other side we spray paint a laser cut stencil with either gold or silver paint.  Everyone really enjoyed learning about the machines and are looking forward to the next stage - designing and cutting stencils using the Laser Cutter.





Our Saturday and Sunday groups also started a new project this week.  Just like the sewing project there is a combination of disciplines involved in making their ‘concrete plant pot’.  These pots are not just any ordinary pot - each child gets to design the mould using our CNC machine.  Anyone fancy a pot with their name on it, or a drum kit, or paw prints, or the USS Enterprise?  Anything is possible!

As we complete this project (which will take a few weeks) we are going to take the opportunity to learn a bit about Chemistry and Botany.  Concrete and Chemistry go hand in hand, as do (fairly obviously) plants and Botany.


This week everyone got to construct the frame of their mould while learning a bit more about our battery powered drills.  Then they designed the detail to be carved on the CNC.  Following that we started learning about Atoms - the building blocks of Chemistry and the splendid reference we have to everything in the universe, ie the Periodic Table of Elements.


Next week we’ll be mixing concrete - hmm, that will be interesting.





In other exciting news we’re very pleased to say that Wellington is going to host its very own MakerFaire in November!  This has been organised by Capital-E and will be held on Sunday 4th November in Shed 6.  MakeRoom will definitely be there and we’re hoping to put together an exhibit that involves all our makers and their awesome work.


Check it out!




What is MakerFaire?  Well - here is the answer from the horses mouth (so to speak…)


“We call it the Greatest Show (& Tell) on Earth. Maker Faire is part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new! As a celebration of the Maker Movement, it's a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity, and resourcefulness. Faire gathers together tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, food artisans, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors. Makers come to show their creations and share their learnings. Attendees flock to Maker Faire to glimpse the future and find the inspiration to become Makers themselves.” (source: https://makerfaire.com)