2019 - Term Two - Week Three - Catapults

Hi everybody,

It's been another great few weeks at MakeRoom, all our new classes are settling in really well and the feedback has been awesome.  There are now over 90 individual tote trays in the workshop - WOW!


Meanwhile my groups started the term with our traditional engineering challenge.  This time round it was Catapults.  


Here are the materials the kids had to work with...



...and here is the challenge brief:



So, yes.  At the end of the class it all came down to 4 shots.  Every successful shot was added to the shooters tally.  By the time final testing came round there were some fantastic designs on show:



But even the most impressive constructions weren't always successful when it really mattered...



It was really interesting seeing everyone wrestle with the dilemma of choosing between reliability (and the chance of getting 4 successful shots) or going for the long range winner.  The record currently stands at just under 8 metres - which was a combination of 3 successful shots.  Impressive!


There you go, another great week at Stem Club.  This term we have some great projects planned.  Illuminated light signs, an interesting project involving Readers Digest Condensed Books and more DIY.org madness.  Stay tuned for all the details!