2019 - Makeroom’s Arduino Session

Words and Photos by Elijah Michel

I am in Makeroom’s J Friday class (Big Ooof) and I have enjoyed Makeroom because you get to work with completely different things each week and the atmosphere is funny and interesting.

On Friday 8th November, my class was working with Me Uno Shields. Me Uno Shields are USB connected boards with 8 ports that supply different things. You can attach different objects into the Me Uno Shield and program them on M-Block (which is basically Scratch 2.0 but with new blocks for stuff for LED strips and 7 segment displays). After that you can upload the program to the Me Uno Shield.

(not mine)

(still not mine)



I enjoyed myself. I made a program that made the light on an LED strip move by turning a potentiometer and have a 7 segment display count the potential. There was a bug where the colours flash sometimes instead of fading into each other, and it was to do with the colour-change code, but I fixed it.
